
My favorite character in Winterhouse is Elizabeth. Her personality traits are:  Smart because she likes to likes things with words. Brave because she tried to fight Gracella. And happy because she met new people like Freddy and Norbridge and found out Winterhouse was a wonderful place.

5 thoughts on “Winterhouse”

  1. Good Morning Anna,
    Your picture of Elizabeth is wonderfully detailed and textured. She is all of those things: smart, brave and happy. The evidence you gave from the story is clear evidence that you understand personality traits in characters.
    As always your work is thoughtfully done.
    💕📖Mrs. Eaves

  2. Hi Anna!
    What a wonderful artist you are! I did not know that about you. You really have a lot of detail in your drawing and I feel like I really know the character. I think you are a smart, brave and happy girl yourself! And let’s not forget very kind. I do miss seeing you in PE class! I hope you are able to get out and ride a bike or a scooter or even walk in your neighborhood. Take care, Mrs. Yeaton

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